Indiana First Action on GETTR
INDIANA FIRST ACTION is a grassroots, citizen-driven, evidentiary initiative. We work every day to restore trust in our elections.
INDIANA FIRST ACTION is a grassroots, citizen-driven, evidentiary initiative. We work every day to restore trust in our elections.

Indiana First Action

Indiana First Action

Indiana First Action


INDIANA FIRST ACTION is a grassroots, citizen-driven, evidentiary initiative. We work every day to restore trust in our elections.
JoinedMarch 2022

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Indiana First Audit-Action Chat

Indiana First Audit-Action Chat

Welcome to THE Hoosier owned "Indiana First" Audit-Action Group. Our mission is to educate Patriots, fill PCC-delegate-local roles, analyze Indiana elections, present FACT, #DitchMachines #PaperOnly, and RENEW State Election Integrity.


Awesome job Delaware! Early voting season of 28 days has got to go! Election day only, as provided for in Indiana's constitution in Article 2, Section 14. While we are at it, the most egregious violation is Section 1, "All elections SHALL BE free and equal." Four different vendors used county to county (not equal), and some counties are vote centers-others not (not equal). #PaperBallotsHandCounted....equality then from neighbor to neighbor. THE MORE YOU KNOW.
Delaware court rules permanent absentee, early voting laws violate state constitution

Delaware court rules permanent absentee, early voting laws violate state constitution

A 2019 state law allowed for 10 days of early voting, despite the state constitution only allowing for one day of voting in the general election.