NFSCTV on GETTR : 3/13/2022 Miles Guo: In an attempt to be able to challenge or even defeat the US and Europe, the CCP and Putin are playing the strategy o...
3/13/2022 Miles Guo: In an attempt to be able to challenge or even defeat the US and Europe, the CCP and Putin are playing the strategy of “Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao”, which is to distract the power from the rest of the world threatening them by causing greater problems in elsewhere: start with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, then fan the flames of war in the Middle East to destroy the petroleum economics and the US dollar so as to stop the economic and financial sanctions imposed by the US and Europe, then the CCP can take chance to attack Taiwan, and (new) viruses might be released.
3/13/2022 文贵直播:中共和普京合演“围魏救赵”:先由俄罗斯攻打乌克兰,然后在中东挑起事端,砸烂石油经济和美元,企图阻止美欧的经济金融制裁,让中共有机会打台湾,甚至放病毒,以期和美欧抗衡到底