NFSCTV on GETTR : 3/11/2022 Miles Guo: The CCP's support for Russia to invade Ukraine has put overseas Chinese in the most dangerous situation, but our...
3/11/2022 Miles Guo: The CCP's support for Russia to invade Ukraine has put overseas Chinese in the most dangerous situation, but our Ukraine rescue operation has brought essential change to the darkness faced by the Chinese people! The Chinese were brutally raped and killed during the Indonesia's anti-Chinese riots while the CCP's Embassy sat back and did nothing about it. 3/11/2022 文贵直播:中共支持俄罗斯打乌克兰已将海外华人置于最危险的境地,但我们的乌克兰救援为华人面临的黑暗带来了本质性改变!华人在印尼排华事件中被残忍地奸杀,而中共大使馆却坐视不管
3/11/2022 Miles Guo: The CCP's support for Russia to invade Ukraine has put overseas Chinese in the most dangerous situation, but our Ukraine rescue operation has brought essential change to the darkness faced by the Chinese people! The Chinese were brutally raped and killed during the Indonesia's anti-Chinese riots while the CCP's Embassy sat back and did nothing about it.

3/11/2022 文贵直播:中共支持俄罗斯打乌克兰已将海外华人置于最危险的境地,但我们的乌克兰救援为华人面临的黑暗带来了本质性改变!华人在印尼排华事件中被残忍地奸杀,而中共大使馆却坐视不管