NFSCTV on GETTR : 3/11/2022 Miles Guo: The CCP is hiring people to dig up and transport bodies on the battlefield of the Russia-Ukraine war by paying them ...
3/11/2022 Miles Guo: The CCP is hiring people to dig up and transport bodies on the battlefield of the Russia-Ukraine war by paying them as much as 100,000 yuan a month. However, the CCP is not going to let them use the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System that it has been touting, but to use the Americans’ GPS. The CCP is going to make the Chinese people cannon fodder on the battlefield, isn’t it? 3/11/2022 文贵直播:中共开出10万月薪雇人去俄乌战场挖尸体、运送尸体;中共竟然不给他们使用其鼓吹的北斗导航系统,却用的是美国人的GPS,这不明摆着把中国人拿去战场当炮灰吗!
3/11/2022 Miles Guo: The CCP is hiring people to dig up and transport bodies on the battlefield of the Russia-Ukraine war by paying them as much as 100,000 yuan a month. However, the CCP is not going to let them use the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System that it has been touting, but to use the Americans’ GPS. The CCP is going to make the Chinese people cannon fodder on the battlefield, isn’t it?

3/11/2022 文贵直播:中共开出10万月薪雇人去俄乌战场挖尸体、运送尸体;中共竟然不给他们使用其鼓吹的北斗导航系统,却用的是美国人的GPS,这不明摆着把中国人拿去战场当炮灰吗!