NFSCTV on GETTR : 3/11/2022 Miles Guo: The NFSC & ROLF Ukraine rescue mission has demonstrated the most unique and best aspects of the Chinese people, ...
3/11/2022 Miles Guo: The NFSC & ROLF Ukraine rescue mission has demonstrated the most unique and best aspects of the Chinese people, showing that the Chinese are like the rest of the world instead of the slaves that make low-end products and commit counterfeiting. This is unacceptable to the CCP!
3/11/2022 文贵直播:新中国联邦法治基金乌克兰救援行动展示出了中国人最独特和最优秀的一面,说明中国人和全世界一样,并不是生产低端产品和造假的奴隶,这让中共无法接受!