熊猫乱滚PandaRolling on GETTR : 辉瑞公司的大楼完全空了,没有车,没有人😳 辉瑞公司已经离开了大楼,因为他们知道他们会崩溃和燃烧,但我们必须让他们支付那几十亿美元。分享并关注我们,使之成为现实。辉瑞公司是中国共产党 Breaking news: Pfizer building ...
辉瑞公司的大楼完全空了,没有车,没有人😳 辉瑞公司已经离开了大楼,因为他们知道他们会崩溃和燃烧,但我们必须让他们支付那几十亿美元。分享并关注我们,使之成为现实。辉瑞公司是中国共产党 Breaking news: Pfizer building totally empty, no cars, no people 😳 Pfizer has left the building because they know they will crash and burn, but we have to make them pay those billions. Share and follow us to make it so. Pfizer is CCP
辉瑞公司的大楼完全空了,没有车,没有人😳 辉瑞公司已经离开了大楼,因为他们知道他们会崩溃和燃烧,但我们必须让他们支付那几十亿美元。分享并关注我们,使之成为现实。辉瑞公司是中国共产党
Breaking news: Pfizer building totally empty, no cars, no people 😳 Pfizer has left the building because they know they will crash and burn, but we have to make them pay those billions. Share and follow us to make it so. Pfizer is CCP