gloriousgeisha on GETTR : This pic was provided from outside the US. It was published as a pic representing hordes of Ukrainians crowding into train are fl...
This pic was provided from outside the US. It was published as a pic representing hordes of Ukrainians crowding into train are fleeing from the Russians. When the pics is enlarged you can spot the duplicates. A few were colored circled but pretty much the whole pic is photo shopped Also the ppl in the crowd get noticable shorter, smaller & blurred beyond normal distance perception. The ppl also appear to be out of proportion to the size of the train I understand the need to bring forward the human suffering & misery war inflicts. But posting an altered pic to promote sympathy, sorrow, &/or anger does not advance humanitarian cause.
This pic was provided from outside the US. It was published as a pic representing hordes of Ukrainians crowding into train are fleeing from the Russians. When the pics is enlarged you can spot the duplicates. A few were colored circled but pretty much the whole pic is photo shopped  

Also the ppl in the crowd get noticable shorter, smaller & blurred beyond normal distance perception. The ppl also appear to be out of proportion to the size of the train 

I understand the need to bring forward the human suffering & misery war inflicts. But posting an altered pic to promote sympathy, sorrow, &/or anger does not advance humanitarian cause.