NFSCTV on GETTR : 3/6/2022 Miles Guo: Fellow fighters must be prepared to deal with the impacts of the collapse of the world economy on the Chinese people ...
3/6/2022 Miles Guo: Fellow fighters must be prepared to deal with the impacts of the collapse of the world economy on the Chinese people and the adverse consequences of the CCP's invasion of Taiwan. Citizens of the New Federal State of China must step outside the standard set by the mainstream media and Western governments. Our rescue mission in Ukraine has shown the world the positive image of the New Federal State of China, proving by our actions that the CCP is not equal to the Chinese people. 3/6/2022 文贵直播: 战友要做好准备应对世界经济崩溃对华人的影响和中共攻打台湾的恶果;新中国联邦人要跳出主流媒体和西方政府定的标准;我们的乌克兰救援行动向世界展示了新中国人联邦的良好形象,以行动证明了中共不等于中国人。
3/6/2022 Miles Guo: Fellow fighters must be prepared to deal with the impacts of the collapse of the world economy on the Chinese people and the adverse consequences of the CCP's invasion of Taiwan. Citizens of the New Federal State of China must step outside the standard set by the mainstream media and Western governments. Our rescue mission in Ukraine has shown the world the positive image of the New Federal State of China, proving by our actions that the CCP is not equal to the Chinese people.

3/6/2022 文贵直播: 战友要做好准备应对世界经济崩溃对华人的影响和中共攻打台湾的恶果;新中国联邦人要跳出主流媒体和西方政府定的标准;我们的乌克兰救援行动向世界展示了新中国人联邦的良好形象,以行动证明了中共不等于中国人。