Lance Migliaccio™ on GETTR : COURT-ORDERED RELEASED PFIZER DOCUMENTS: The Pfizer documents that were to be sealed until 2097 were released today. Start...
COURT-ORDERED RELEASED PFIZER DOCUMENTS: The Pfizer documents that were to be sealed until 2097 were released today. Starting on page 30 of the document, you will find 9 pages of adverse effects from the vaccine. You cannot have informed consent if they hide information that assists you in making an informed consent decision. @LanceMigliaccio @Zeus6266 #Pfizer #Vaccine
The Pfizer documents that were to be sealed until 2097 were released today. Starting on page 30 of the document, you will find 9 pages of adverse effects from the vaccine. You cannot have informed consent if they hide information that assists you in making an informed consent decision.

@LanceMigliaccio @Zeus6266 
#Pfizer #Vaccine