NFSCTV on GETTR : 2/25/2022 Miles Guo: Why does UBS prevent the case I brought from being admitted to court? The UBS case is absolutely a breakthrough in r...
2/25/2022 Miles Guo: Why does UBS prevent the case I brought from being admitted to court? The UBS case is absolutely a breakthrough in revealing the collusion between the evil Swamp in the West and the CCP. A deputy governor of the People's Bank of China attempted to persuade me not to sue UBS. 2/25/2022 文贵直播:为什么瑞银UBS百般阻挠不让上庭?UBS案绝对是打开西方黑暗沼泽地和中共勾兑的一道口子;中共人民银行的一位副行长竟充当说客劝说文贵不告UBS
2/25/2022 Miles Guo: Why does UBS prevent the case I brought from being admitted to court? The UBS case is absolutely a breakthrough in revealing the collusion between the evil Swamp in the West and the CCP. A deputy governor of the People's Bank of China attempted to persuade me not to sue UBS.

2/25/2022 文贵直播:为什么瑞银UBS百般阻挠不让上庭?UBS案绝对是打开西方黑暗沼泽地和中共勾兑的一道口子;中共人民银行的一位副行长竟充当说客劝说文贵不告UBS