NFSCTV on GETTR : 2/23/2022 Miles Guo: Why will the US be the biggest winner? Will Putin, who has taken trillions of dollars from the Chinese people, be ab...
2/23/2022 Miles Guo: Why will the US be the biggest winner? Will Putin, who has taken trillions of dollars from the Chinese people, be able to realize his dream of the Russian Empire? 2/23/2022 文贵直播:为什么说美国才是最大的赢家?拿了中国人上万亿美元的普京能实现他的俄罗斯帝国梦吗?
2/23/2022 Miles Guo: Why will the US be the biggest winner? Will Putin, who has taken trillions of dollars from the Chinese people, be able to realize his dream of the Russian Empire?  2/23/2022 文贵直播:为什么说美国才是最大的赢家?拿了中国人上万亿美元的普京能实现他的俄罗斯帝国梦吗?