澳喜农场多语组 on GETTR : 北京冬奥会80%由中国军队管理,现场配备电击枪、催眠枪 80% of Beijing Winter Olympics managed by army, Electroshock and hypnosis weapons deployed 文贵大直播之北京冬奥会:北京冬奥会...
北京冬奥会80%由中国军队管理,现场配备电击枪、催眠枪 80% of Beijing Winter Olympics managed by army, Electroshock and hypnosis weapons deployed 文贵大直播之北京冬奥会:北京冬奥会80%由中国军队管理。现场全部配备高压电击枪、防爆设施防暴枪及无声无色无香味的催眠枪。一个人类和平的盛会绝不会配备这些武器! Miles Guo Grand Live Broadcast about Beijing Winter Olympics: 80% of the Beijing Winter Olympics will be managed by the Chinese military. The site is fully equipped with high-voltage electroshock guns, anti-riot guns, and soundless, colorless and scentless hypnosis guns. A peaceful event for humanity would never be equipped with such weapons! #冬奥会, #军管, #电击枪, #催眠枪 #WinterOlympics,@PLAmanaged, @Electroshockgun,@hypnosisgun
北京冬奥会80%由中国军队管理,现场配备电击枪、催眠枪 80% of Beijing Winter Olympics managed by army, Electroshock and hypnosis weapons deployed 文贵大直播之北京冬奥会:北京冬奥会80%由中国军队管理。现场全部配备高压电击枪、防爆设施防暴枪及无声无色无香味的催眠枪。一个人类和平的盛会绝不会配备这些武器! Miles Guo Grand Live Broadcast about Beijing Winter Olympics: 80% of the Beijing Winter Olympics will be managed by the Chinese military. The site is fully equipped with high-voltage electroshock guns, anti-riot guns, and soundless, colorless and scentless hypnosis guns. A peaceful event for humanity would never be equipped with such weapons! #冬奥会, #军管, #电击枪, #催眠枪 #WinterOlympics,@PLAmanaged,  @Electroshockgun,@hypnosisgun