NFSCTV on GETTR : 2/13/2022 Miles Guo: Trucks are essential to the world economy. The Freedom Convoy has made it imperative for people to oppose the COVID ...
2/13/2022 Miles Guo: Trucks are essential to the world economy. The Freedom Convoy has made it imperative for people to oppose the COVID vaccine mandate. GETTR has had a tremendous impact on the Freedom Convoy. I told the leaders of the Freedom Convoy to refer to the success of trucks in the 2019 Hong Kong movement and warned them not to be violent.
2/13/2022 文贵直播:卡车是世界经济的必须,大卡车运动让人们必须反对疫苗强制令;盖特对大卡车运动有巨大的影响,文贵让大卡车运动的领头人参考香港运动中卡车的成功经验并告诫其不能有暴力