澳喜特战时讯 on GETTR : 美国悬赏 1000 万美元,追踪伊斯兰国呼罗珊省 (ISIS-K) 领导人萨努拉·加法里 位置信息。 据美国国务院称,加法里,也被称为 Shahab al-Muhajir,于 2020 年 6 月被任命为领导 ISIS-K。他负责ISIS-K 在阿富汗的行动并为该组...
The reward is also offered for information that would help arrest or convict individuals responsible for an August 26, 2021, attack at the Kabul airport.
The reward is also offered for information that would help arrest or convict individuals responsible for an August 26, 2021, attack at the Kabul airport.