NFSCTV on GETTR : 2/4/2022 Miles Guo: I was deeply shocked by Mubarak’s statement that “it is the Chinese themselves who don’t respect their fellow Chinese...
2/4/2022 Miles Guo: I was deeply shocked by Mubarak’s statement that “it is the Chinese themselves who don’t respect their fellow Chinese”. The CCP took the Chinese people's hard-earned money and invited a bunch of leaders who were begging for food and money to attend the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics which lasted only 100 minutes. In contrast, the US, which has respected the Chinese people since the Qing Dynasty, authorized the diplomatic departure of its embassy. How pathetic it is!
2/4/2022 文贵直播:穆巴拉克说“中国人不尊敬中国人”深深地震撼了文贵;中共拿中国人的血汗钱请一帮要饭的领导人参加只有100分钟的冬奥会开幕式,而早在清朝就尊敬中国人的美国却授权其使馆外交撤离,可悲啊!