澳喜特战时讯 on GETTR : 日本议会2月1日周二罕见地通过了一项关于中共国“严重人权状况”的决议,并要求政府采取措施缓解这种状况。中国外交部周二在一份声明中表示,该决议“罔顾事实,恶意诽谤中国人权状况,严重违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,粗暴干涉中国内政,极其恶劣”。 https://...
Japan's parliament adopted a rare resolution on Tuesday on what it called the "serious human rights situation" in China, and asked the government to take steps to relieve the situation.
Japan's parliament adopted a rare resolution on Tuesday on what it called the "serious human rights situation" in China, and asked the government to take steps to relieve the situation.