NFSCTV on GETTR : 1/27/2022 Miles Guo: Do I look like I appeared in a photo sent by a fellow fighter taken long ago in Hubei? A guy who followed me in Hube...
1/27/2022 Miles Guo: Do I look like I appeared in a photo sent by a fellow fighter taken long ago in Hubei? A guy who followed me in Hubei in the past was determined to become a CCP official to make a fortune when he was young and is now a member of the Politburo of the CCP. He is the most promising political star, but Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan will not let him go.
1/27/2022 文贵直播:战友发给文贵当年在湖北的照片和现在的文贵像吗?当年在湖北跟着文贵的人从小立志当官发财,现已成为中共政治局委员而且是最有希望的政治明星,但习王不会放过他