Soldire Ryan on GETTR : Why did the New Federal State of China sign the millennium peace agreement with the world
While holding the Declaration of the New Federal State of China, Miles Guo said that the world should never forget that there are only Chinese people who live in peace with the world, and only one Chinese who brings peace to the people. Four East Asian countries; China, Japan, India and Pakistan, account for nearly half the world's 7.5 billion people. If we do not have a good neighbor in Asia, we do not have a peaceful and good environment to live with each other. If there is corruption of politics and leaders of other countries, as the Chinese Communist Party has done, it will not only bring disaster to other countries, but also bring endless trouble to itself.
While holding the Declaration of the New Federal State of China, Miles Guo said that the world should never forget that there are only Chinese people who live in peace with the world, and only one Chinese who brings peace to the people.  Four East Asian countries; China, Japan, India and Pakistan, account for nearly half the world's 7.5 billion people.  If we do not have a good neighbor in Asia, we do not have a peaceful and good environment to live with each other.  If there is corruption of politics and leaders of other countries, as the Chinese Communist Party has done, it will not only bring disaster to other countries, but also bring endless trouble to itself.