喜马拉雅纽约香草山农场HIMALAYA MOS on GETTR : I, Guo Wengui, Miles Guo, on behalf of the people of The New Federal State of China around the globe, would like to expr...
I, Guo Wengui, Miles Guo, on behalf of the people of The New Federal State of China around the globe, would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Biden, Mr. Blinken and the American people! We will always fight with you side by side until we completely eliminate the Chinese Communsit Party (CCP) that has been kidnapping 1.4 billion Chinese people! - Mr. Miles Guo, GTV/GETTR livecast on Jan. 25, 2022 我,郭文贵Miles Guo,代表全球新中国联邦人民,对美国总统拜登先生、布林肯先生和美国人民致以衷心的感谢!我们会永远和你们奋斗在一起,直到消灭绑架14亿中国人民的共产党! ——2022年1月25日郭文贵先生GTV/GETTR直播 #takedowntheccp #biden #blinken
I, Guo Wengui, Miles Guo, on behalf of the people of The New Federal State of China around the globe, would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Biden, Mr. Blinken and the American people! We will always fight with you side by side until we completely eliminate the Chinese Communsit Party (CCP) that has been kidnapping 1.4 billion Chinese people!
- Mr. Miles Guo, GTV/GETTR livecast on Jan. 25, 2022

我,郭文贵Miles Guo,代表全球新中国联邦人民,对美国总统拜登先生、布林肯先生和美国人民致以衷心的感谢!我们会永远和你们奋斗在一起,直到消灭绑架14亿中国人民的共产党!

#takedowntheccp #biden #blinken