NFSCTV on GETTR : 1/25/2022 Miles Guo: The Major Achievement of “the Tian Mi Mi Movement” - The US government just made a significant historical decision t...
1/25/2022 Miles Guo: The Major Achievement of “the Tian Mi Mi Movement” - The US government just made a significant historical decision to issue the “authorized evacuation” of the US embassy in Beijing. On behalf of the New Federal State of China, Mr. Miles Guo sincerely appreciates President Biden and Secretary Blinken. History will prove the significance of this decision for humanity and preservation of human rights. 1/25/2022 文贵直播:“甜蜜蜜运动”重大成果 - 美国政府刚刚做出的重大历史决定“授权撤离”美驻北京大使馆, 郭文贵先生代表新中国联邦代感谢拜登总统和国务卿布林肯先生,历史会证明该决定对人类和人权维护的重大意义!
1/25/2022 Miles Guo: The Major Achievement of “the Tian Mi Mi Movement” - The US government just made a significant historical decision to issue the “authorized evacuation” of the US embassy in Beijing. On behalf of the New Federal State of China, Mr. Miles Guo sincerely appreciates President Biden and Secretary Blinken. History will prove the significance of this decision for humanity and preservation of human rights.

1/25/2022 文贵直播:“甜蜜蜜运动”重大成果 - 美国政府刚刚做出的重大历史决定“授权撤离”美驻北京大使馆,  郭文贵先生代表新中国联邦代感谢拜登总统和国务卿布林肯先生,历史会证明该决定对人类和人权维护的重大意义!