NFSCTV on GETTR : 1/19/2022 Miles Guo: Less than 1,000 people attend the World Economic Forum at Davos. They can influence the politics and military of var...
1/19/2022 Miles Guo: Less than 1,000 people attend the World Economic Forum at Davos. They can influence the politics and military of various countries and control the wealth that shapes the fate of hundreds of millions of people, and they collude with governments and have blood on their hands. As long as the Party of Davos still exists, humanity will never be safe 1/19/2022 文贵直播:参加达沃斯论坛的不足1000人,他们影响着各国的政治和军事,控制着左右数以亿计人命运的财富,他们跟政府勾结、手上沾满鲜血;只要达沃斯党在,人类就不会安全
1/19/2022 Miles Guo: Less than 1,000 people attend the World Economic Forum at Davos. They can influence the politics and military of various countries and control the wealth that shapes the fate of hundreds of millions of people, and they collude with governments and have blood on their hands. As long as the Party of Davos still exists, humanity will never be safe  1/19/2022 文贵直播:参加达沃斯论坛的不足1000人,他们影响着各国的政治和军事,控制着左右数以亿计人命运的财富,他们跟政府勾结、手上沾满鲜血;只要达沃斯党在,人类就不会安全