Fixing_America on GETTR : Biden’s approval ratings have tanked as inflation has spiked. Empty shelves are appearing in stores all over the country. ...
Biden’s approval ratings have tanked as inflation has spiked. Empty shelves are appearing in stores all over the country. Biden sympathizers claim the empty shelves are a result of supply chain issues. They won’t tell you that because of jab mandates, 40% of American truckers refuse to get the clot shot and are not allowed into ports to pick up goods. The latest in the “blame game” is saying your empty shelves are caused by “climate change.” If you are dumb enough to swallow that, I have some oceanfront property to sell you in Montana. In fact, if climate change is the cause, why didn’t we have empty shelves during President Trump’s first term? “Climate change” is “Build Back Breadlines.” Blundering Babbling Biden keep pushing the abandonment of American Culture!
Biden’s approval ratings have tanked as inflation has spiked. Empty shelves are appearing in stores all over the country.

Biden sympathizers claim the empty shelves are a result of supply chain issues. They won’t tell you that because of jab mandates, 40% of American truckers refuse to get the clot shot and are not allowed into ports to pick up goods.

The latest in the “blame game” is saying your empty shelves are caused by “climate change.” If you are dumb enough to swallow that, I have some oceanfront property to sell you in Montana.  In fact, if climate change is the cause, why didn’t we have empty shelves during President Trump’s first term?

“Climate change” is “Build Back Breadlines.” Blundering Babbling Biden keep pushing the abandonment of American Culture!