NFSCTV on GETTR : 美国医学博士皮特森·皮埃尔表示,根据美国疫苗不良事件报告系统,共有2809名婴儿因母亲在怀孕期间注射新冠疫苗后早夭。当母亲注射新冠疫苗后,胎儿会在20周内夭折。
Dr. Peterson Pierre said, according to the VAER...
Dr. Peterson Pierre said, according to the VAERS system, 2809 Babies have died when their mothers have been injected during pregnancy. Fetus will die within 20 weeks if mother is vaccinated during pregnancy
Dr. Peterson Pierre said, according to the VAERS system, 2809 Babies have died when their mothers have been injected during pregnancy. Fetus will die within 20 weeks if mother is vaccinated during pregnancy](