NFSCTV on GETTR : 1/14/2022 Miles Guo: The CCP has lost its financial capacity for bribery and collusion! The participation of Turkey, Iran, and several ot...
1/14/2022 Miles Guo: The CCP has lost its financial capacity for bribery and collusion! The participation of Turkey, Iran, and several other Middle Eastern countries in the Winter Olympics and the use of digital RMB is contingent upon the CCP purchasing goods from them in US dollars. The Himalaya Coin can enable the New Federal State of China to voice our rights on the world stage! 1/14/2022 文贵直播:中共已失去金钱勾兑的能力!土耳其、伊朗等中东国家参加冬奥会和用数字人民币的前提条件是要中共用美元购买其产品;喜币让新中国联邦能在世界上表达我们的权利
1/14/2022 Miles Guo: The CCP has lost its financial capacity for bribery and collusion! The participation of Turkey, Iran, and several other Middle Eastern countries in the Winter Olympics and the use of digital RMB is contingent upon the CCP purchasing goods from them in US dollars. The Himalaya Coin can enable the New Federal State of China to voice our rights on the world stage!

1/14/2022 文贵直播:中共已失去金钱勾兑的能力!土耳其、伊朗等中东国家参加冬奥会和用数字人民币的前提条件是要中共用美元购买其产品;喜币让新中国联邦能在世界上表达我们的权利