法国巴黎七星农场 on GETTR : 郭先生:疫苗会在两个月到五个月内全球停止。打了疫苗的孩子千万记得一定要吃 #青蒿素 、 #伊维菌素 ,二者都能解疫苗之毒,服用方法可参考盖特上发布的信息。任何理由都不能让孩子打疫苗,如果没保护好孩子而让孩子打了疫苗,那是对孩子终生的犯罪。 Mr.Guo: Va...
郭先生:疫苗会在两个月到五个月内全球停止。打了疫苗的孩子千万记得一定要吃 #青蒿素 、 #伊维菌素 ,二者都能解疫苗之毒,服用方法可参考盖特上发布的信息。任何理由都不能让孩子打疫苗,如果没保护好孩子而让孩子打了疫苗,那是对孩子终生的犯罪。 Mr.Guo: Vaccine will be stopped globally within two to five months. If the children have taken the vaccine, they must remember to use #Artemisnin and #Ivermectin , They both can solve the vaccine toxicity definitely, and the method of taking medicine can refer to the message of our Gettr. Children should not be vaccinated for any reason. That is definitely a lifetime crime against children to vaccinate them without protecting them.
郭先生:疫苗会在两个月到五个月内全球停止。打了疫苗的孩子千万记得一定要吃 #青蒿素 、 #伊维菌素 ,二者都能解疫苗之毒,服用方法可参考盖特上发布的信息。任何理由都不能让孩子打疫苗,如果没保护好孩子而让孩子打了疫苗,那是对孩子终生的犯罪。
 Mr.Guo: Vaccine will be stopped globally within two to five months. If the children have taken the vaccine, they must remember to use #Artemisnin and #Ivermectin , They both can solve the vaccine toxicity definitely, and the method of taking medicine can refer to the message of our Gettr. Children should not be vaccinated for any reason. That is definitely a lifetime crime against children to vaccinate them without protecting them.