法国巴黎七星农场 on GETTR : 世界反对第三针疫苗的人已经平均达到80%多; 给孩子打疫苗,用疫苗杀人的邪恶势力,没有人能逃脱被审判的结果;在美国人和欧洲人心目中反疫苗的英雄,郭文贵先生及爆料革命排第一;在未来三到五年,疫苗给人类带来的灾难就像恐龙灭绝时一样;没有打疫苗,绝对是你这一生中最正确的决定;...
世界反对第三针疫苗的人已经平均达到80%多; 给孩子打疫苗,用疫苗杀人的邪恶势力,没有人能逃脱被审判的结果;在美国人和欧洲人心目中反疫苗的英雄,郭文贵先生及爆料革命排第一;在未来三到五年,疫苗给人类带来的灾难就像恐龙灭绝时一样;没有打疫苗,绝对是你这一生中最正确的决定;伊维菌素、青蒿素绝对能铲除疫苗之毒。 The percentage of people who oppose the third shot of COVID-19 vaccine in the world has reached an average of over 80%; none of those who vaccinate children and the evil forces who kill people with vaccines will escape trial; Miles Guo and Whistleblower Movement rank first among the anti-vaccine heroes in the minds of Americans and Europeans; disasters brought by vaccines to mankind in the next three to five years will be the same as extinction of dinosaurs; not getting vaccinated will definitely be the best decision you’ve made in your life; Ivermectin and artemisinin can definitely eradicate the poison of vaccines
世界反对第三针疫苗的人已经平均达到80%多; 给孩子打疫苗,用疫苗杀人的邪恶势力,没有人能逃脱被审判的结果;在美国人和欧洲人心目中反疫苗的英雄,郭文贵先生及爆料革命排第一;在未来三到五年,疫苗给人类带来的灾难就像恐龙灭绝时一样;没有打疫苗,绝对是你这一生中最正确的决定;伊维菌素、青蒿素绝对能铲除疫苗之毒。
The percentage of people who oppose the third shot of COVID-19 vaccine in the world has reached an average of over 80%; none of those who vaccinate children and the evil forces who kill people with vaccines will escape trial; Miles Guo and Whistleblower Movement rank first among the anti-vaccine heroes in the minds of Americans and Europeans; disasters brought by vaccines to mankind in the next three to five years will be the same as extinction of dinosaurs; not getting vaccinated will definitely be the best decision you’ve made in your life; Ivermectin and artemisinin can definitely eradicate the poison of vaccines