NFSCTV on GETTR : 12/12/2021 Miles Guo: Both the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates will be committed to taking down the CCP! The Sino-US ec...
12/12/2021 Miles Guo: Both the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates will be committed to taking down the CCP! The Sino-US economy will definitely be decoupled, and the assets of the CCP senior cadres in the West will surely be seized; communism will be designated as a cult, and the world will undergo a dramatic change; hope Xi Jinping will be alive so that he can witness all these things happening!
12/12/2021 文贵直播: 美国两党的总统候选人都会去灭共!中美经济一定脱钩,中共高官在西方的资产必被查处;共产主义将被列为邪教,世界格局将大变,希望习能活着亲眼目睹这一切!