法国巴黎七星农场 on GETTR : Virus and vaccine disaster: mainly killing the elderly and disabled Miles Guo: The core of the evil forces in the world is the Chi...
Virus and vaccine disaster: mainly killing the elderly and disabled Miles Guo: The core of the evil forces in the world is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which allies with the dark forces in religions and Wall Street causing this virus and vaccine disaster with the main purpose of killing the elderly and disabled and redistributing wealth, while they and their children stay alive. Eventually they are certain to be wiped out since New Federal states of China is created for ending it. #virusandvaccinedisaster , #killingtheelderlyanddisabled , #takedowntheCCP , 病毒与疫苗灾难:主要杀掉老年人和残疾人 郭先生:世界上邪恶力量的核心是中共,它联合了宗教的黑暗力量和华尔街,它们制造了这场病毒与疫苗大灾难,主要杀掉老年人和残疾人,然后再重新分配财富,它们和它们的孩子活着。但是最终它们一定会被消灭掉的,因为有新中国联邦,上天让新中国联邦诞生就是要消灭它们的。 #病毒和疫苗灾难 ,#杀死老年人和残疾人 ,#消灭共产党 ,
Virus and vaccine disaster: mainly killing the elderly and disabled 
Miles Guo: The core of the evil forces in the world is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which allies with the dark forces in religions and Wall Street causing this virus and vaccine disaster with the main purpose of killing the elderly and disabled and redistributing wealth, while they and their children stay alive. Eventually they are certain to be wiped out since New Federal states of China is created for ending it.
#virusandvaccinedisaster , #killingtheelderlyanddisabled , #takedowntheCCP , 
#病毒和疫苗灾难 ,#杀死老年人和残疾人 ,#消灭共产党 ,