Sonder🍊 QAJF on GETTR : ✅プーチン大統領、「かつてロシア政府にはCIA職員が群がっていた」 1990年代から2000年代初頭にかけてロシア政府にはCIAの職員がたんくさんいて、最終的には彼らを「一掃」しなければならなかったと、プーチン大統領が語った。 プ...
In the 1990s and the early 2000s, the Russian government was swarming with CIA workers, and they eventually had to be “cleaned out” and sent back to the US, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed on Thursday.
In the 1990s and the early 2000s, the Russian government was swarming with CIA workers, and they eventually had to be “cleaned out” and sent back to the US, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed on Thursday.