澳喜农场多语组 on GETTR : Mr. Guo: Artemisinin can perfectly detoxify vaccines If you have been vaccinated, be sure to take good quality artemisinin as prescribed...
Mr. Guo: Artemisinin can perfectly detoxify vaccines If you have been vaccinated, be sure to take good quality artemisinin as prescribed by your doctor. There are countless examples that it can actually save lives. Artemisinin has beauty benefits for women, and it is perfectly effective against cancer and all the syndroms of the elderly. #Artemisinin , #DetoxificationVaccine , #Cancer , #Agerelateddiseases , #BeautificationCosmetic , 郭先生:青蒿素解疫苗副作用绝对管用 接种过病毒疫苗的,一定要遵照医嘱的情况下服用优质青蒿素,无数个例子证明青蒿素真的可以救命。青蒿素对女性有美容功效,对癌症有奇效,对所有老年综合症也绝对管用。 #青蒿素 , #解毒 , #疫苗 , #癌症 , #老年病 , #美容 ,
Mr. Guo: Artemisinin can perfectly detoxify vaccines If you have been vaccinated, be sure to take good quality artemisinin as prescribed by your doctor. There are countless examples that it can actually save lives. Artemisinin has beauty benefits for women, and it is perfectly effective against cancer and all the syndroms of the elderly. #Artemisinin , #DetoxificationVaccine , #Cancer , #Agerelateddiseases , #BeautificationCosmetic , 郭先生:青蒿素解疫苗副作用绝对管用 接种过病毒疫苗的,一定要遵照医嘱的情况下服用优质青蒿素,无数个例子证明青蒿素真的可以救命。青蒿素对女性有美容功效,对癌症有奇效,对所有老年综合症也绝对管用。 #青蒿素 , #解毒 , #疫苗 , #癌症 , #老年病 , #美容 ,