NFSCTV on GETTR : 12/3/2021 Miles Guo: Releasing the Omicron variant is relevant to the CCP’s actions against Taiwan, and the CCP is using Omicron to make ...
12/3/2021 Miles Guo: Releasing the Omicron variant is relevant to the CCP’s actions against Taiwan, and the CCP is using Omicron to make a deal with the West that sacrifices Taiwan; the CCP is repeating its same old trick by unleashing the virus while holding the world hostage through the COVID vaccines; Omicron is one of the 50 viruses in the CCP’s bioweapons inventory 12/3/2021 文贵直播:释放欧米克戎跟中共对台行动有关,中共用欧米克戎跟西方勾兑让台湾成牺牲品;中共故伎重演,一边放毒,另一边用疫苗要挟世界;欧米克戎是中共50种病毒武器之一
12/3/2021 Miles Guo: Releasing the Omicron variant is relevant to the CCP’s actions against Taiwan, and the CCP is using Omicron to make a deal with the West that sacrifices Taiwan; the CCP is repeating its same old trick by unleashing the virus while holding the world hostage through the COVID vaccines; Omicron is one of the 50 viruses in the CCP’s bioweapons inventory

12/3/2021 文贵直播:释放欧米克戎跟中共对台行动有关,中共用欧米克戎跟西方勾兑让台湾成牺牲品;中共故伎重演,一边放毒,另一边用疫苗要挟世界;欧米克戎是中共50种病毒武器之一