NFSCTV on GETTR : 11/24/2021 Miles Guo: We must sue Binance to make sure the CCP has no access to the personal information of our fellow fighters; the CCP ...
11/24/2021 Miles Guo: We must sue Binance to make sure the CCP has no access to the personal information of our fellow fighters; the CCP handed over a fellow fighter’s Binance account information to the IRS and accused him of tax evasion, which led to his arrest; the CCP can harm fellow fighters by posting their personal information on the dark web 11/24/2021 文贵直播:我们要起诉币安以确保中共不能掌握战友的个人信息;中共将战友在币安的账号信息给美国税务局并污蔑其偷税漏税,导致其被捕;中共把个人信息公布在暗网来害战友
11/24/2021 Miles Guo: We must sue Binance to make sure the CCP has no access to the personal information of our fellow fighters; the CCP handed over a fellow fighter’s Binance account information to the IRS and accused him of tax evasion, which led to his arrest; the CCP can harm fellow fighters by posting their personal information on the dark web

11/24/2021 文贵直播:我们要起诉币安以确保中共不能掌握战友的个人信息;中共将战友在币安的账号信息给美国税务局并污蔑其偷税漏税,导致其被捕;中共把个人信息公布在暗网来害战友