法国巴黎七星农场 on GETTR : Miles Guo: We are in a catastrophe and we must unite as one to survive The haze floating over the city of Beijing, China, is not th...
Miles Guo: We are in a catastrophe and we must unite as one to survive The haze floating over the city of Beijing, China, is not the same PM2.5 haze of the past, it is the haze of human corpses. People are dying everywhere, not only in the city of Wuhan, but all over China, including vaccine-caused malformed infants. Now the global virus death toll has exceeded the total number of deaths in all wars since World War II, and there is a vaccine catastrophe ongoing, which is unprecedented on the human race, and the only way for everyone to survive in the future is to unite. The only thing Mr. Pompeo regrets is the three shots of vaccine. #hazeofhumancorpses ,#vaccinecausedmalformedinfant , #vaccinecatastrophe ,#WhistleblowerMovement ,#NewFederalStateofChina ,
Miles Guo: We are in a catastrophe and we must unite as one to survive
The haze floating over the city of Beijing, China, is not the same PM2.5 haze of the past, it is the haze of human corpses. People are dying everywhere, not only in the city of Wuhan, but all over China, including vaccine-caused malformed infants. Now the global virus death toll has exceeded the total number of deaths in all wars since World War II, and there is a vaccine catastrophe ongoing, which is unprecedented on the human race, and the only way for everyone to survive in the future is to unite. The only thing Mr. Pompeo regrets is the three shots of vaccine.
#hazeofhumancorpses ,#vaccinecausedmalformedinfant , #vaccinecatastrophe ,#WhistleblowerMovement ,#NewFederalStateofChina ,