旧金山量子农场视频 on GETTR : Mr. Bannon: @stevebannon #standwithbannon Everyday hammer, hammer, hammer, particularly for LaoBaiXing, all the Chinese. The crim...
Mr. Bannon: @stevebannon #standwithbannon Everyday hammer, hammer, hammer, particularly for LaoBaiXing, all the Chinese. The criminal Xi talks to Biden today. Remember! Take down the CCP forever. That's why I'm here today for everybody. I am never going to back down, they took on the wrong guy. You should understand Nancy Pelosi has taken on Donald Trump and Steve Bannon, and she had to ask Hillary Clinton how that turned out from them. We're we're going on the offense 你应该明白佩洛西已经对川普和班农采取了行动,她一定问了希拉里克林顿,他们应该如何行动 我们每天都要重拳出击,特别要让老百姓知道。犯罪分子习近平今天和拜登通话,请记住要永远打到中国共产党,我在这里是为了每一个人。我绝不会退缩,他们惹错人了!
Mr. Bannon: @stevebannon  #standwithbannon
Everyday hammer, hammer, hammer, particularly for LaoBaiXing, all the Chinese. The criminal Xi talks to Biden today. Remember! Take down the CCP forever. That's why I'm here today for everybody. I am never going to back down, they took on the wrong guy.

You should understand Nancy Pelosi has taken on Donald Trump and Steve Bannon, and she had to ask Hillary Clinton how that turned out from them. We're we're going on the offense
