NFSCTV on GETTR : 一位父亲22岁的儿子因严重的中共病毒疫苗不良反应不得不叫救护车:高烧,几乎不能行走,胸部灼烧,超级虚弱。因此他呼吁应立即停止打疫苗。 A dad’s 22-year-old son had to call an ambulance due to sever...
一位父亲22岁的儿子因严重的中共病毒疫苗不良反应不得不叫救护车:高烧,几乎不能行走,胸部灼烧,超级虚弱。因此他呼吁应立即停止打疫苗。 A dad’s 22-year-old son had to call an ambulance due to severe adverse effects of the Covid vaccine: high fever, could barely walk, chest feels on fire, super weak, so he calls on to stop the vaccine right now

A dad’s 22-year-old son had to call an ambulance due to severe adverse effects of the Covid vaccine: high fever, could barely walk, chest feels on fire, super weak, so he calls on to stop the vaccine right now