桃花庵里桃花仙 on GETTR : 爆炸性新聞:数千名情报人员因不遵守拜登的疫苗規定而面临被解雇 BREAKING REPORT: Thousands of intelligence officers face dismissal for FAILING TO COMPLY with Bi...
爆炸性新聞:数千名情报人员因不遵守拜登的疫苗規定而面临被解雇 BREAKING REPORT: Thousands of intelligence officers face dismissal for FAILING TO COMPLY with Biden's vaccine mandate.. Creating POLICIES TO REMOVE any political opposition from every major branch of unelected Government?

BREAKING REPORT: Thousands of intelligence officers face dismissal for FAILING TO COMPLY with Biden's vaccine mandate..

Creating POLICIES TO REMOVE any political opposition from every major branch of unelected Government?