NFSCTV on GETTR : 班农先生:喜币成功上市是丰碑式的,新中国联邦和新中国人现在有了新货币。新中国联邦的版图正各就各位,反共力量的制度化令人惊叹。对比中共造成的死亡和破坏,新中国联邦、爆料革命和文贵先生带来的是正面影响,用顶尖的科技、真实的资本、真实的领导力去支撑这样的体系发展壮大是非常了不起的...
Mr. Bannon: The initial success of H-Coin is monumental. The New Federal State of China and the New Chinese now have new currency. The territory of the NFSC is taking its place, and the institutionalization of anti-CCP forces is impressive. Compared with the death and destruction caused by the CCP, the NFSC, the Whistleblower Movement, and Mr. Miles have had a positive impact. Using top technology, real capital, and real leadership to support the development and growth of such a system is pretty remarkable.