Artemisinin Research on GETTR : 当我们得知青蒿素是中共藏着的中共病毒的解药,甚至是克服癌症的方案的时候,我们是欣喜的,但是同时,我们也需要本着严谨的科学态度来更多的了解这个药物。这个频道是很多来自爆料革命的科学家医生组成的,致力于帮助大家更好的了解这个药品。大家对于这个药有什么...
当我们得知青蒿素是中共藏着的中共病毒的解药,甚至是克服癌症的方案的时候,我们是欣喜的,但是同时,我们也需要本着严谨的科学态度来更多的了解这个药物。这个频道是很多来自爆料革命的科学家医生组成的,致力于帮助大家更好的了解这个药品。大家对于这个药有什么疑问,或者副作用,都可以这里留言. 我们会尽力来解答大家的疑问。 Artemisinin is revealed by Miles Guo as the antidote to the CCP virus, and shows strong therapeutic effects to many other diseases. But the lack of full understanding of Artemisinin motivates us to create this platform and initiate the exploration of the hiden gems. This platform is supported by a group of well-trained and highly experienced scientific researchers and medical doctors. We dedicated to help people better understand Artemisinin, especially in treating the CCP virus. If you have any questions about Artemisinin, please feel free to ask and leave us a message. We will do our best to help.
当我们得知青蒿素是中共藏着的中共病毒的解药,甚至是克服癌症的方案的时候,我们是欣喜的,但是同时,我们也需要本着严谨的科学态度来更多的了解这个药物。这个频道是很多来自爆料革命的科学家医生组成的,致力于帮助大家更好的了解这个药品。大家对于这个药有什么疑问,或者副作用,都可以这里留言. 我们会尽力来解答大家的疑问。
Artemisinin is revealed by Miles Guo as the antidote to the CCP virus, and shows strong therapeutic effects to many other diseases. But the lack of full understanding of Artemisinin motivates us to create this platform and initiate the exploration of the hiden gems. This platform is supported by a group of well-trained and highly experienced scientific researchers and medical doctors. We dedicated to help people better understand Artemisinin, especially in treating the CCP virus. If you have any questions about Artemisinin, please feel free to ask and leave us a message. We will do our best to help.