NFSCTV on GETTR : 爆料革命90 天 vs. 要飯爛命90天(上) 90 Days of the Whistleblower Movement vs 90 Days Begging for survival (P1-2) 1. 爆料革命公布疫苗的真相 The ...
爆料革命90 天 vs. 要飯爛命90天(上) 90 Days of the Whistleblower Movement vs 90 Days Begging for survival (P1-2) 1. 爆料革命公布疫苗的真相 The truth of the COVID Vaccine was exposed by Whistleblower Movement 2.要飯爛命說郭先生是中共特務 Begging for survival States that Mr. Miles Guo is a CCP intelligent agent 3、爆料革命 公佈COVID -19 解藥 The Whistleblower Movement announced the antidote of COVID-19 4、爆料革命 以毒滅共 The Whistleblower Movement Reveal the truth of COVID-19 virus to take down the CCP 5、路大腦袋能教美國如何做決定? How can Lude teach the U.S. decision making? 6、爆料革命 以毒滅共 The Whistleblower Movement Taking down the CCP with the truth of COVID-19 virus
爆料革命90 天 vs. 要飯爛命90天(上)
90 Days of the Whistleblower Movement vs 90 Days Begging for survival (P1-2)

1. 爆料革命公布疫苗的真相
The truth of the COVID Vaccine was exposed by Whistleblower Movement 

Begging for survival
States that Mr. Miles Guo is a CCP intelligent agent

3、爆料革命 公佈COVID -19 解藥
The Whistleblower Movement  
announced the antidote of COVID-19 

4、爆料革命 以毒滅共
The Whistleblower Movement  
Reveal the truth of COVID-19 virus to take down the CCP

How can Lude teach the U.S. decision making?

6、爆料革命  以毒滅共
The Whistleblower Movement  
Taking down the CCP with the truth of COVID-19 virus