NFSCTV on GETTR : 8/25/2021 Miles Guo: AI has been widely used to promote COVID vaccines online; The adverse effects and deaths caused by the vaccines will...
8/25/2021 Miles Guo: AI has been widely used to promote COVID vaccines online; The adverse effects and deaths caused by the vaccines will be pinned on experts and pharmaceuticals companies, who will be the cannon fodder for the antagonists behind the scenes - the CCP, Russia, and the part of the “Swamp” 8/25/2021 文贵直播:AI技术被大量运用在互联网推广新冠病毒疫苗;一旦面临疫苗追责,政府、专家和药厂等将为中共、俄罗斯和部分沼泽地等幕后黑手充当炮灰
8/25/2021 Miles Guo: AI has been widely used to promote COVID vaccines online; The adverse effects and deaths caused by the vaccines will be pinned on experts and pharmaceuticals companies, who will be the cannon fodder for the antagonists behind the scenes - the CCP, Russia, and the part of the “Swamp”

8/25/2021 文贵直播:AI技术被大量运用在互联网推广新冠病毒疫苗;一旦面临疫苗追责,政府、专家和药厂等将为中共、俄罗斯和部分沼泽地等幕后黑手充当炮灰