NFSCTV on GETTR : 8/23/2021 Miles Guo:Coronavirus is a bioweapon as its design and research concept is the controllability of the virus transmission and it...
8/23/2021 Miles Guo:Coronavirus is a bioweapon as its design and research concept is the controllability of the virus transmission and it’s targeting to infect specific racial and ethnic groups and specific regions 8/23/2021 文贵直播:冠状病毒就是生物武器,因为其设计研究理念是病毒传染的可控性、及传染特定人种、特定地区的靶向性
8/23/2021 Miles Guo:Coronavirus is a bioweapon as its design and research concept is the controllability of the virus transmission and it’s targeting to infect specific racial and ethnic groups and specific regions

8/23/2021 文贵直播:冠状病毒就是生物武器,因为其设计研究理念是病毒传染的可控性、及传染特定人种、特定地区的靶向性