NFSCTV on GETTR : 8/16/2021 Miles Guo:Why did Mao torture and kill Peng Dehuai and other generals in the Cultural Revolution? Why did Mao show no mercy to ...
8/16/2021 Miles Guo:Why did Mao torture and kill Peng Dehuai and other generals in the Cultural Revolution? Why did Mao show no mercy to the intellectuals? 8/16/2021 文贵直播:毛贼东为何将彭德怀等将领在文革中整死?毛为什么要对知识分子下狠手?
8/16/2021 Miles Guo:Why did Mao torture and kill Peng Dehuai and other generals in the Cultural Revolution? Why did Mao show no mercy to the intellectuals?

8/16/2021 文贵直播:毛贼东为何将彭德怀等将领在文革中整死?毛为什么要对知识分子下狠手?