NFSCTV on GETTR : 尊敬的战友.美国朋友们好!很多人给我发信息.问我每天做多少个这个推拉器?我有时连续做12组.每一组做12个,有时候.做六组每一组,12到15个.每天一定做超过12组.我做得还很不好,还在继续努力.做的更标准.和尝试.在很快乐,很舒服的情况下.做得更多,希望战友们和美国朋友不...
尊敬的战友.美国朋友们好!很多人给我发信息.问我每天做多少个这个推拉器?我有时连续做12组.每一组做12个,有时候.做六组每一组,12到15个.每天一定做超过12组.我做得还很不好,还在继续努力.做的更标准.和尝试.在很快乐,很舒服的情况下.做得更多,希望战友们和美国朋友不要见笑啊。Good morning my dear fellow fighters and American friends! A lot of people send me messages asking how many times of this push-pull machines can I make every day? Sometimes I do 12 sets of 12 times in a row, and sometimes I do 6 sets of 12 to 15 times. Must do more than 12 sets a day. I'm still not doing very well. I'm trying to do more at higher standard, and do more in a happy and comfortable condition. I hope my fellow fighters and American friends will not laugh at me.
尊敬的战友.美国朋友们好!很多人给我发信息.问我每天做多少个这个推拉器?我有时连续做12组.每一组做12个,有时候.做六组每一组,12到15个.每天一定做超过12组.我做得还很不好,还在继续努力.做的更标准.和尝试.在很快乐,很舒服的情况下.做得更多,希望战友们和美国朋友不要见笑啊。Good morning my dear fellow fighters and American friends! A lot of people send me messages asking how many times of this push-pull machines can I make every day? Sometimes I do 12 sets of 12 times in a row, and sometimes I do 6 sets of 12 to 15 times. Must do more than 12 sets a day. I'm still not doing very well. I'm trying to do more at higher standard, and do more in a happy and comfortable condition. I hope my fellow fighters and American friends will not laugh at me.