NFSCTV on GETTR : 7/20/21: Miles Guo:The biggest flood happened at the highest place in Zhengzhou with Yuda Palace Hotel being the center; Two of my cellma...
7/20/21: Miles Guo:The biggest flood happened at the highest place in Zhengzhou with Yuda Palace Hotel being the center; Two of my cellmates in the Qingfeng Detention Center had 4 family members killed by flooding, and one cellmate’s home was cut off from electricity and his cell phone(s) stopped to work, with the police coming to his home to silence him 7/20/2021 郭先生直播(节选1): 郑州最高的地方发了水灾, 以裕达国贸为中心;文贵在清丰看守所的两位狱友共有4位家人被洪水夺走生命,其中一位狱友家竟然被断电,手机也无法使用,并被警察找上门来要求噤声
7/20/21: Miles Guo:The biggest flood happened at the highest place in Zhengzhou with Yuda Palace Hotel being the center; Two of my cellmates in the Qingfeng Detention Center had 4 family members killed by flooding, and one cellmate’s home was cut off from electricity and his cell phone(s) stopped to work, with the police coming to his home to silence him

7/20/2021 郭先生直播(节选1): 郑州最高的地方发了水灾, 以裕达国贸为中心;文贵在清丰看守所的两位狱友共有4位家人被洪水夺走生命,其中一位狱友家竟然被断电,手机也无法使用,并被警察找上门来要求噤声