Teddy2025 on GETTR : WE ALL KNOW about the crimes & treason of the Left: the Clinton enemies list, & CCP money to the campaigns, the ever i...
WE ALL KNOW about the crimes & treason of the Left: the Clinton enemies list, & CCP money to the campaigns, the ever increased corruption of the agencies, the Obama/Biden weaponizing multiple agencies to target & destroy political enemies, the IRS & the Tea Party, the targeting of True the Vote by 4 agencies, the further corruption throughout government, the race-baiting, the treasonous coup against Trump, the Seth Rich murder, the "insurance folder" on the Weiner laptop, the Mueller scam, the CCP money, the Soros money, the Gates money, the Zuckerberg money, then the Treasonous election theft & the Pelosi 1/6 conspiracy to label & target every Patriotic American-why did Barr do NOTHING!! Evil unpunished is evil unchecked!!
WE ALL KNOW about the crimes & treason of the Left: the Clinton enemies list, & CCP money to the campaigns, the ever increased corruption of the agencies, the Obama/Biden weaponizing multiple agencies to target & destroy political enemies, the IRS & the Tea Party, the targeting of True the Vote by 4 agencies, the further corruption throughout government, the race-baiting, the treasonous coup against Trump, the Seth Rich murder, the "insurance folder" on the Weiner laptop, the Mueller scam, the CCP money, the Soros money, the Gates money, the Zuckerberg money, then the Treasonous election theft & the Pelosi 1/6 conspiracy to label & target every Patriotic American-why did Barr do NOTHING!! Evil unpunished is evil unchecked!!