GTranslators_1 on GETTR : 08/12/2024 Ava on Stinchfield Tonight @stinchfield1776: Mr. Miles Guo, the CCP enemy number one , has clearly depicted over the p...
08/12/2024 Ava on Stinchfield Tonight @stinchfield1776: Mr. Miles Guo, the CCP enemy number one , has clearly depicted over the past seven years a crime meticulously planned and orchestrated by the CCP. First, the CCP released the COVID-19 virus. Then, they controlled the media, leading many people to receive toxic vaccines. Finally, knowing that the vaccines would harm human health, the CCP acquired sperm and egg banks and collected the DNA information of Americans. #MilesGuo #WhistleblowerMovement #CCPvirus #CollectingDNA 08/12/2024 Ava做客Stinchfield Tonight:中共头号敌人郭文贵先生过去七年的爆料清楚地描绘了一场由中共精心策划和预谋的罪行。首先,中共释放新冠病毒;接着,中共控制媒体,让很多人接种有毒的疫苗;最后,中共在知道疫苗会破坏人体健康的情况下,收购了精子和卵子库,并且收集美国人的DNA信息。 #郭文贵先生 #爆料革命 #中共病毒 #收集DNA信息
08/12/2024 Ava on Stinchfield Tonight @stinchfield1776: Mr. Miles Guo, the CCP enemy number one , has clearly depicted over the past seven years a crime meticulously planned and orchestrated by the CCP. First, the CCP released the COVID-19 virus. Then, they controlled the media, leading many people to receive toxic vaccines. Finally, knowing that the vaccines would harm human health, the CCP acquired sperm and egg banks and collected the DNA information of Americans.
#MilesGuo #WhistleblowerMovement #CCPvirus #CollectingDNA
08/12/2024 Ava做客Stinchfield Tonight:中共头号敌人郭文贵先生过去七年的爆料清楚地描绘了一场由中共精心策划和预谋的罪行。首先,中共释放新冠病毒;接着,中共控制媒体,让很多人接种有毒的疫苗;最后,中共在知道疫苗会破坏人体健康的情况下,收购了精子和卵子库,并且收集美国人的DNA信息。
#郭文贵先生 #爆料革命 #中共病毒 #收集DNA信息