紫苏花生 on GETTR : 你会看到人们接种了加强针、3 针、4 针、5 针疫苗,但他们还是会一次又一次地重新感染 COVID-19,或者经常感染流感,但这也降低了癌症监测能力。 You see people who've had their booster shot, 3 va...
你会看到人们接种了加强针、3 针、4 针、5 针疫苗,但他们还是会一次又一次地重新感染 COVID-19,或者经常感染流感,但这也降低了癌症监测能力。 You see people who've had their booster shot, 3 vaccines, 4 vaccines, 5 vaccines, they keep getting reinfected with COVID-19 over and over, or they get sick very often with influenza, but you're also reducing cancer surveillance as well. #莫得纳 #WHO #谭德塞 #Moderna #NIH #EcoHealthAlliance #PeterDaszak #thrombosis #AZ #血栓 #莫德纳 #人类基因组 #Moderna #humangenome #DNA #基因 #gene #vaccinedisaster #ccpliedpeopledied #herdimmunity #PLA #疫苗灾难 #VaccineInjury #疫苗事件 #中共病毒 #新冠病毒 #病毒起源 #CCPVirus #COVIDorigin #ProximalOrigin #technologytheft #wipo #青蒿素 #疫苗 #共产主义中国 #Pfizer #ivermectin #vaccinesideeffects #mRNA #covid19 #nfsc #Fauci #American #伊维菌素 #刺突蛋白 #vaccine #thugs #dictators #FDA #NIH #CDC #HHS #WEF #辉瑞
你会看到人们接种了加强针、3 针、4 针、5 针疫苗,但他们还是会一次又一次地重新感染 COVID-19,或者经常感染流感,但这也降低了癌症监测能力。

You see people who've had their booster shot, 3 vaccines, 4 vaccines, 5 vaccines, they keep getting reinfected with COVID-19 over and over, or they get sick very often with influenza, but you're also reducing cancer surveillance as well.

#莫得纳 #WHO #谭德塞 #Moderna #NIH #EcoHealthAlliance #PeterDaszak #thrombosis #AZ #血栓 #莫德纳 #人类基因组 #Moderna #humangenome #DNA #基因 #gene #vaccinedisaster #ccpliedpeopledied #herdimmunity #PLA #疫苗灾难 #VaccineInjury #疫苗事件 #中共病毒 #新冠病毒 #病毒起源 #CCPVirus #COVIDorigin #ProximalOrigin #technologytheft #wipo #青蒿素 #疫苗 #共产主义中国 #Pfizer #ivermectin #vaccinesideeffects #mRNA #covid19 #nfsc #Fauci #American #伊维菌素 #刺突蛋白 #vaccine #thugs #dictators #FDA #NIH #CDC #HHS #WEF #辉瑞