酱香小鳄鱼 on GETTR : Dr. Michael Nehls claims: The spike protein is used to shut down the brain’s mental immune system… 迈克尔·内尔斯 (Michael Nehls) :刺突蛋白被用来关闭大...
Dr. Michael Nehls claims: The spike protein is used to shut down the brain’s mental immune system… 迈克尔·内尔斯 (Michael Nehls) :刺突蛋白被用来关闭大脑的精神免疫系统…… #ccpvirus
Dr. Michael Nehls claims: The spike protein is used to shut down the brain’s mental immune system…
迈克尔·内尔斯 (Michael Nehls) :刺突蛋白被用来关闭大脑的精神免疫系统……