DC政经 on GETTR : 与承诺相反,新冠疫苗并没有阻止病毒的散播或传播。 那么,为什么福奇博士和他的团队要向美国人推行不科学的疫苗强制令呢? 今天,麦考密克(McCormick)众议员要求福奇博士承担责任。 #安东尼·福奇 #听证会 #新冠病毒 #...
Contrary to what was promised, the COVID-19 vaccine did not stop the spread or transmission of the virus. Why, then, did Dr. Fauci and his team push unscientific vaccine mandates on Americans? Today, @RepMcCormick held Dr. Fauci accountable👇
Contrary to what was promised, the COVID-19 vaccine did not stop the spread or transmission of the virus.

Why, then, did Dr. Fauci and his team push unscientific vaccine mandates on Americans?

Today, @RepMcCormick held Dr. Fauci accountable👇