紫苏花生 on GETTR : 💥💥💥Data analyst and former Air Force Major Tom Haviland works with embalmers to study recent blood clots found in corpses, most of whom ...
💥💥💥Data analyst and former Air Force Major Tom Haviland works with embalmers to study recent blood clots found in corpses, most of whom started seeing these blood clots after the 2021 COVID vaccine 💉, 2023, 72 % of embalmers find these white fibrous clots in corpses… 💥💥💥数据分析师、前空军少校 Tom Haviland 与防腐师一起对垂死之人身上发现的近期血栓进行了研究,大多数防腐师在 2021 年 COVID 疫苗💉接种后开始发现这些血凝块,2023 年,72% 的防腐师在尸体中发现了这些白色纤维血块…… #covidvaccinetruth #疫苗灾难 #VaccineInjury #疫苗事件 #中共病毒 #新冠病毒 #病毒起源 #中共 #CCPVirus #COVIDorigin #ProximalOrigin #Artemisinin #CCP #technologytheft #takedowntheCCP #wipo #青蒿素 #疫苗 #共产主义中国 #Pfizer #ivermectin #vaccinesideeffects #mRNA #covid19 #nfsc #Fauci #American #伊维菌素 #刺突蛋白 #communistchina #vaccine #thugs #dictators #FDA #NIH #CDC #HHS #WEF
💥💥💥Data analyst and former Air Force Major Tom Haviland works with embalmers to study recent blood clots found in corpses, most of whom started seeing these blood clots after the 2021 COVID vaccine 💉, 2023, 72 % of embalmers find these white fibrous clots in corpses…

💥💥💥数据分析师、前空军少校 Tom Haviland 与防腐师一起对垂死之人身上发现的近期血栓进行了研究,大多数防腐师在 2021 年 COVID 疫苗💉接种后开始发现这些血凝块,2023 年,72% 的防腐师在尸体中发现了这些白色纤维血块…… 

#疫苗灾难 #VaccineInjury #疫苗事件 #中共病毒 #新冠病毒 #病毒起源 #中共 #CCPVirus #COVIDorigin #ProximalOrigin #Artemisinin #CCP #technologytheft #takedowntheCCP #wipo #青蒿素 #疫苗 #共产主义中国  #Pfizer #ivermectin #vaccinesideeffects #mRNA #covid19 #nfsc #Fauci #American #伊维菌素 #刺突蛋白 #communistchina #vaccine #thugs #dictators #FDA #NIH #CDC #HHS #WEF